Grundy Area Vocational Center Home

Welcome to Grundy Area Vocational Center!

GAVC students have the extraordinary opportunity to gain practical knowledge, acquire new skills, and explore a variety of careers. We aim to prepare and promote our students for an ever-changing world. Our instructors stress problem-solving and critical thinking skills with an emphasis on teamwork. Our mission at GAVC is to create opportunities for all students with challenging career and technical education programs and experiences leading to productive employment and lifelong learning.
Programs offered include Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Building Trades, Computer Graphics & Multimedia Design, Criminal Justice, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts,  Entrepreneurship, Fire Science, Foundations of Teaching, Health Occupations, and Welding.
GAVC highlights Criminal Justice Program

Check Out Our Newsletter!

This month we highlighted our Criminal Justice - Coal City Campus, Building Trades, Automotive, and Welding programs. Stay up to date with the latest happenings and take a look at our February Director Award Winners!

School News

GAVC AG program holds FFA flag

Big Wins in GAVC Agriculture!

The Grundy Area FFA has competed in a variety of events over the last few months with much success! Including but not limited to multiple top three placements at FFA events and Proficiency Judging as well as the opportunity to earn a State FFA Degree!
Adv/Foundations students at GAVC booth

GAVC attends Coal City Wellness Night

Our Adv/Foundations of Teaching, Fire Science, Health Occupations, Agriculture and FFA, and Criminal Justice programs were all represented at the Coal City Wellness night
An 8th Grade student prepares to secure nails into a board.

8th Grade Career Fair

On October 29th, we held our 10th annual 8th Grade Career Fair. The purpose of the 8th Grade Career Fair was to introduce the 8th grade students to the wealth of career opportunities available within Grundy County; further, we desire to help steer students onto their future educational and professional paths through exploration of career and technical education. Students had the opportunity to interact with more than sixty local business representatives in order to gain invaluable insight into a wide variety of career opportunities. The teachers and students of the Grundy Area Vocational Center also presented our thirteen vocational programs and illustrate the necessity for secondary and post-secondary education and training.